3rd March 2023
Agri Agriculture Animal Animal Husbandry Animal Rearing Banking Bilateral Biodiversity Biology Biotechnology Budget Cell Crop Insurance Crops Cyber Security Diseases Environment Fiscal Fish Diversity Food Food Crops Food Processing GNP GST Health Insects ISRO MAB Mammals Miscellaneous Money Supply MSP NBS Polity & Constitution Poverty RBI Reptiles Robotics Satellite Science & Tech Social Justice Space Tax UNESCO Vaccines
1 GS2
a.) Polity and Constitution
i. Supreme Court verdict on ECI appointments[IE-24]
ii. President to appoint CEC, ECs on advise of committee comprising PM, LoP, CJI: Supreme Court[TH-01]
b.) International Relations
ii. India, China discuss on LAC; Jaishankar calls state of relations ‘abnormal[TH-14]
iii. South Asia’s human capital is the resilience it needs[TH-10]
2 GS3
a.) Economy:
i. GDP growth may exceed 7% this fiscal, says CEA[TH-18]
b.) Environment
i. Ornamental fish aquaculture to help Lakshadweep women [TH-06]
ii. Fossil fuels firms failed to curb methane emission: What IEA’s annual report says (IE-24)
iii. World Wildlife Day 2023: A former secretary-general of CITES reviews 50 years of the Convention [DTE]